Tell me about yourself! How old are you, and where are you from?
RJ: I am 42 years old next month and live in Southern California. I have four living daughters, one angel baby son, and two fur babies.
Give us a summary of your book!
RJ: In A Flash: A Memoir is based on actual events. A detailed tale of struggle, sacrifice and tragic loss. Renee Johnson must face a variety of circumstances initiated and perpetuated by the failure of those entrusted to care for our health and livelihood: doctors. This struggle and sacrifice to protect another life, only to end up with empty arms, is ultimately a warning to everyone to always question and stand up for your rights as a patient.
What inspired you to write this book?
RJ: In A Flash: A Memoir is a personal journey through the hardest thing I have ever faced. An overall chaotic life coupled with physical difficulties with my pregnancy, In A Flash is a snapshot in time where I faced ultimate tragedy. Resilient as always, I have lived for eight years with this memory and put it down in words for two reasons: 1. I promised my son that I would; and 2. Because the world needs to know to keep on their toes when dealing with doctors everywhere.
If you could pick one song to describe this book, what would it be?
RJ: Breaking Benjamin – Anthem of the Angels

Have you written any fiction novels as well? If not, would you and what genre?
RJ: My fiction titles are predominantly Femme Domme (AKA Fem Dom) Erotica. My most recent being the first in a series of crossovers called gopHER: A Femme Domme Erotica SciFi Suspense Crossover (https://tinyurl.com/y7w88reb). I have also had a short story published in Hot Pants by Leigh Strokes and Friend (https://tinyurl.com/ydc25pjv). I have recently contract with a publisher who is producing my first Contemporary Bad Boy Romance, Make it Reighn.
What are two of your favorite books? Least favorite?
RJ: My all-time favorite book, since I was a little girl, is Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls. As a big-time Stephen King fan, my second favorite book in the world is, The Stand.
I read a lot of books and enjoy many different writing styles, be those big-named authors or small Indie authors like myself, it is hard to pin-point my least favorite book. That being said, all I can say is that I am not a big John Steinback fan. Never have been, never will be.
Do you have any other hobbies, businesses that you would like to share?
RJ: Since I am the Executive Assistant to the CEO and President of a health care organization by day, I do not have much time to spend on hobbies. If I did, I would say that I love to sew, my specialty being custom-made corsets, and crochet. I also enjoy spending time with my three girls (who are all grown up now) and my grandson. Other than that, I read and spend all my free time with my love.
Do you have any upcoming book specials/giveaways or events?
RJ: Facebook Virtual Launch Party for In A Flash: A Memoir - https://www.facebook.com/events/352576975279353/
Naturally Naughty in NOLA – April 27, 2019 – New Orleans, Louisiana
How can readers keep up with you? Post your social media usernames!
RJ: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/RJCastilleAuthor
Twitter - https://twitter.com/RJCastille
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/r.j.castille/
Anything else you would like to share?
RJ: So many women out there have suffered a loss similar to mine. Some stories are more heartbreaking than my own. Woman who have given their all to bring life into this world only to fail for one reason or another. A portion of all sales of my book, In A Flash: A Memoir, will be donated to a non-profit agency I found in Southern California (that I truly wish I had found sooner) called Empty Cradle. Their work focuses on the support of women and families who have suffered a loss similar to mine. Please check them out at https://emptycradle.org/ or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/EmptyCradle/
Thank you to everyone who have supported me through this process. It has been difficult, yet healing at the same time. My purpose is to help others by encouraging them to stand up for themselves, question their doctors every move and never follow them blindly into the night. They are humans too after all.
Check out her book In A Flash: A Memoir available on amazon now! https://www.amazon.com/s?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=In+A+Flash%3A+A+Memoir+

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