Tell me about yourself! How old are you, and where are you from?
My name is Dominique akaDomoand I’m 32 from Moreno Valley, CA. I just self-published my very first book and I’ve been an author officially for five months now. I’m super fresh at this author's life! I’ve always been known for wearing earmuffs so my friend started calling me “Author with earmuffs” and it kinda just stuck lol
Give us a summary of your book and what inspired it!
My life is one roller coaster that you feel you’ll never get off of. After you get in the groove then there’s a sudden turn that throws you off again. I've been through so much at a young age that most probably would've given up on a long time ago. I want to encourage those who deal with medical challenges that there's still a future for you. Your circumstance doesn't make you, it creates you. Walk-in confidence...it looks good on you! Your circumstance doesn't make you, it creates you. I titled my first autobiography #DamagedButNotDead because although I may look different or function differently than the average person, don't count me out...I still have value!
If you could pick one song to describe this book, what would it be?
“Golden” by Jill Scott
Have you written any fiction novels as well? If not, would you and what genre?
Not at all and here’s why. I was struggling to write about myself, I can’t even think about writing in a different genre right now. I’m still trying to settle in this one lol
What are two of your favorite books? Least favorite?
So the irony is, I’m an author but I don’t read a lick of anything lol. It would only make sense to be apart of what I do so I’m just now trying to start to read lol So, ask me in a few years my favorite and least favorite and by then I should have read a Dr. Seuss book at least lol
Do you have any other hobbies or businesses that you would like to share?
In addition to being an author, I just became a business owner as well. I started a company called WalkingByDesign which I customize medical walkers. It started off with me decorating my walkers and would always get stopped and asked who did it then I decided to make it a business so others can spruce up theirs too.
Do you have any upcoming book specials/giveaways or events?
At this time I don’t but please stay with me through this growth spurt. I’m new to all this so I’m learning the ropes as I go.
How can readers keep up with you? Post your social media usernames!
You can follow my book page on IG at @author_withearmuffs
Where can readers buy your book?
My book is on Amazon
https://www.amazon.com/dp/1647866499/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_RP1PEbCF74PCK and Walmart.com http://www.walmart.com/ip/DamagedButNOTDead-Just-because-you-have-a-ribbon-doesn-t-mean-you-re-not-a-beautiful-polka-dot-YOURE-perfect-in-His-eyes-Paperback-9781647866495/901509747
Anything else you would like to share?
The only limit is your mind. Life hasn’t ended because of a condition, just customize it to fit you. Don’t let the disability fool you!

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